The Choral Department
Continuing a Choral Legacy
The choral music program of Crystal Lake Central High School has a history of exceptional ensembles. We have contributed to this success with an attitude of ambition, hard work and pride. Our alumni have provided a traditional of strong choral music to add to the rich heritage at Crystal Lake Central. As members, we will continue to strive for the same level of success and will set goals beyond what we have achieved in the past. We strive to grow personally, musically and as a community.
We study & perform choral music not because we must, but because we choose to. This choice is born of our desire to be a part of something great: Something beyond ourselves. We are a collection of individuals with varied talents, hopes, and experiences, carrying both the distinction and responsibility of being a part of this community. We expect success and have earned respect because we are striving to find the best that there is in us, and sharing it with others through choral music.
A Tribute to Those Who Led Our Choral Legacy
Previous Directors to be added soon...
1957--1977 Paul Beringer
1977-1980 Barbara Wise
1981-1986 Kent Parry
1987- 1990 Amy Runyon
1991-1994 John Hacker
1995-1999 Kimberly Dean-Scherrer
2000-2003 Molly Roller
2004-2016 Justin Hubly
2012-present Kimberly Scherrer